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What is Class 4 Laser Therapy?

Class 4 laser therapy may sound futuristic but it has become a standard of care for many musculoskeletal injuries. Laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light (red and near-infrared) to create therapeutic effects. The light that is transmitted via the laser helps stimulate certain processes within the body that help provide relief to symptoms including pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.

How does Laser Therapy Work?
  • Class 4 Laser penetrates deeper and more effectively into the soft tissue
  • Class 4 Laser is more powerful allowing us to treat larger areas more efficiently
  • Passing energy to nerves, ligaments, and tendons
  • Class 4 Laser speeds the healing process
Benefits of Class 4 Laser
  • Reduced Pain and Swelling
  • Improved Range of Motion
  • Increased Tissue Regeneration
  • Accelerates Soft tissue and Bone repair
  • Increases Nerve Regeneration

Treatments benefits continue even after you leave the office. 

Conditions we have treated successfully in our office:
    • Diabetic Neuropathy
    • Chronic Knee Pain
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Plantar Fasciitis
    • Achilles Tendonitis
    • Elbow Tendonitis
    • Wrist Pain/Carpal Tunnel
    • Back Pain and stiffness
    • Neck pain and stiffness
    • Cervical Radiculopathy
    • Lumbar Radiculopathy
    • Frozen shoulder 
    What to expect during treatment 
    Patients report a soothing warmth in the area being treated. 
    What does Laser Therapy cost?
    Scheduling an Appointment:
    First time here?  You can either call, e-mail 

    Phone call 925-947-1507
    E-mail click here
    Rates for Service:
    Initial appointments are $100 including a thorough health history and treatment. Allow for up to 1 hours for the initial appointment.

    Follow up appointments are $60. Allow for 20 to 30 minutes for follow up appointments.

    Packages of five appointments can be purchased for $249 ($50 per session) after the initial appointment 
    Packages of ten appointments can be purchased for $449 ($45 per session) after the initial appointment 

    Please allow 24 hours notice to cancel or change appointments, or the service per visit fee will be charged.
    Laser Therapy treatment directed under the supervision of doctor Douglas Herting DC, QME Chiropractor
  • Our therapists:

    Scarlett Garcia CMT
    Massage/Laser Therapist

    Graduated from the National Holistic Institute in 2020 with
    over 800 hours of training in a variety of massage and
    healing techniques.

    Since that time she has been working for the Center For Neck
    and Back pain treating a variety of musculoskeletal
    injuries. In addition to honing her massage therapy
    techniques she has become certified in Therapeutic
    Laser Therapy. 


    Ariana Shelby CMT
    Massage/Laser Therapist

    Ariana is a certified massage therapist graduating
    from massage therapy school in 2009. Since that
    time, she has focused her attention on therapeutic
    massage treating a variety of Musculo-skeletal injuries. 

    While in practice over the past ten years she has
    completed 100’s of hours in additional training
    including deep tissue massage, sports injury
    massage, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy,
    and pre-natal massage. Recently she became
    certified in both Therapeutic Laser Treatment and Cupping. 

    laser therapy
    Lower back treatment using Walnut Creek laser therapy.


    laser therapy
    Therapist treating patients back and spine with Walnut Creek laser therapy.


    laser therapy booking

    Learn more about Laser Therapy